Rice wine
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Rice wine

        Rice, glutinous rice that is the soup, rice scattered Tang Qing, honey-rich, sweet entrance, rich in nutrients vitamins, glucose, amino acids, etc., refreshing drink after the appetizer, and vigor and blood, Yin and kidney features, maternal and women's menstrual eat, You Youyi, was the young and old are advised to nutrition to share. Specifically, the efficacy and role of wine as follows:
A: Yes chills, blood stasis, lack of milk, rheumatoid arthritis, back pain and numbness embolism, with hot drinks as well;
II: neurasthenia, trance, depression, forgetfulness embolism, add eggs and cook drink soup was better;
Three: rice wine can help blood circulation, promote metabolism, with blood and beauty, getting a vivid, physical fitness and longevity effect.
Four: maternal blood stasis, back pain, numbness and tremors, rheumatoid arthritis, bruises, indigestion, loss of appetite, irritability, tachycardia, physical virtual failure, strength loss reduction, lower emission drowning, irregular menstruation, lack of milk and maternal anemia and other diseases of great benefit and efficacy.
Five: rice wine can make opening a bottle to drink to be consumed after heating.
Six: rice wine as a condiment principles that can dissolve other foods trimethylamine, after amino aldehydes and other substances, these substances can be heated with wine in a variety of volatile components escape, it can remove food odors.
Seven: rice with meat but also from fat esterification reaction of aromatic substances, so dishes flavor. These rice wine fishy, go full throttle and flavor features in dishes cooked for people widely adopted. Westerners like to eat Chinese food, which is rice wine seasoning unique features, the Chinese were the first to discover and use them skillfully not unrelated.
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